Where would Donald Trump and J.D. Vance take America? – The Economist

Di il 20 Luglio, 2024
The anti-globalist MAGA enthusiast is more consequential than the average veep pick

“One consequence is that Reagan Republicanism is all but dead. In recent years the Republican Party has been united around personality, not policy. It contains free-traders and supporters of universal tariffs; internationalists and isolationists; champions of corporate America and people who believe big companies are rapacious and unpatriotic. In the past Mr Trump has done enough to please all these people that they can claim he is really on their side. The choice of Mr Vance tips the balance towards the strand of maga that is most worrying for America’s economy and for its allies.”

Fonte: The Economist

Link: Where would Donald Trump and J.D. Vance take America?

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