Not long before he sat in the front row at Donald Trump’s inauguration, Facebook’s co-founder Mark Zuckerberg made a video explaining why he was scrapping fact-checking on the platform. The election, he said, felt “like a cultural tipping point toward once again prioritizing speech.” A few days later, in an interview with Joe Rogan, he […]
Sembra che la Casa Bianca stia valutando seriamente la proposta di Oracle per la gestione di TikTok negli Stati Uniti. L’accordo, ancora in fase di negoziazione, potrebbe rappresentare un punto di svolta nella lunga disputa sulla sicurezza dei dati degli utenti americani, secondo Politico. Tuttavia, rimangono forti preoccupazioni sul ruolo che i fondatori cinesi dell’app […]
“It would be silly to think, in this time of spectacular fools, that the Donald Trump administration mandate to kill diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs was simply a workplace issue. What’s happening is bigger than that, says Vernā Myers, and it will have implications for years to come. The US government has declared war […]
Prysmian, leader mondiale nel settore dei sistemi in cavo per l’energia e le telecomunicazioni, e Edison Energia, società del Gruppo Edison attiva nella fornitura di energia elettrica e gas a imprese e famiglie e di servizi a valore aggiunto al segmento retail, hanno firmato un Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) pluriennale per la fornitura di […]
Nel tempo, i consumatori hanno sviluppato l’abitudine di dare soprannomi alle aziende e ai prodotti che amano e utilizzano di più, creando un senso di familiarità e appartenenza. Esempi celebri includono “bimmer” per Bmw o “bud” per Budweiser, ormai suo nome commerciale nella maggior parte dell’Unione Europea. Sebbene questi nomignoli possano rafforzare il senso di […]
“Newspapers have suffered some indignities over the past two decades. More than 3,200 of them have closed since 2005. More than 45,000 newsroom jobs, gone. Many of those remaining get gobbled up by vulture funds; their journalists take abuse at public meetings; and in many jurisdictions, politicians hatch strategies to strip them of a critical […]
Italy one of five ‘dismantlers’ causing ‘democratic recession’ in Europe, report says – The Guardian
“Italy’s government has profoundly undermined the rule of law with changes to the judiciary and showed “heavy intolerance to media criticism”, in an emblematic example of Europe’s deepening “democratic recession”, a coalition of civil liberties groups has said”. Fonte: The Guardian Autore: Jennifer Rankin Link: Italy one of five ‘dismantlers’ causing ‘democratic recession’ in Europe, […]
Notizie veloci e senza giri di parole per fare il punto sulle novità annunciate in settimana dalle società di social media (e non solo). SOCIAL NEWS TikTok è stato vietato in Albania L’Albania è il primo paese europeo a bloccare TikTok, con un divieto valido per tutto il 2025 annunciato dal primo ministro Edi Rama. […]
“Talks of building a bridge across the Strait of Messina date back to Roman times. Yet, the bridge over the Strait has never gone beyond the planning stage. Too expensive or technically too complex, it’s been part of Italian governments’ political agendas since the 60s. Now, the far-right Minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini has set […]
A few weeks ago, as his administration embarked on a purge of the US government that evoked the mass firings and inquisitions of the 1950s, the American vice-president, JD Vance, took time out to explain to Europeans that, in fact, they were the ones who had a problem with ideological diversity. “In Britain and across […]