“But we’re learning that behind the young idealists is an organized movement of leftists who want to spread disorder and whose candid strategy is to defy school administrators and police to achieve their radical goals.” Fonte: The Wall Street Journal Autore: The Editorial Board Link: Rules for Campus Radicals, 2024 

“The EU must ensure this enlargement process allows candidates to receive the rewards of reform in phases rather than all at the end. EU governance needs revamping, too, to ensure it can function at 35-plus members — including expanding majority voting and allowing “coalitions of the willing” to press on with deeper integration. None of […]

Trump remains the same guy, with the same goals and grievances. But in person, if anything, he appears more assertive and confident. “When I first got to Washington, I knew very few people,” he says. “I had to rely on people.” Now he is in charge. The arranged marriage with the timorous Republican Party stalwarts […]

“If the fiscal impact is positive, it will not be felt unless the government invests accordingly. A windfall is no good if public services are allowed to deteriorate anyway, as they have been in Britain, where the government is desperately cutting taxes ahead of an election. Similarly, if regulations stop infrastructure from expanding to accommodate […]

“The media are instead hyper-focused on how we protest atrocities rather than the atrocities themselves. Anti-war demonstrations on college campuses dominate conversations and coverage about the Israel-Hamas war. Every imaginable news source — legacy print outlets, user-generated posts, broadcast and cable news — has its sight set on the encampments and rallies breaking out on […]