“But that pattern of start-ups innovating, growing and leapfrogging incumbents seems to have stopped. The tech giants are old. Each was founded more than 20 years ago — Apple and Microsoft in the 1970s, Amazon and Google in the 1990s, and Facebook in 2004. Why has no new competitor emerged to disrupt the market?” Fonte: […]

“Generally speaking, people don’t feel bad about their financial situation. Survey after survey, including the just-released annual Federal Reserve survey of economic well-being, finds most Americans say that they are doing OK. Many are positive about their local economies — that is, what they can see personally. Yet they insist that the national economy is […]

“Non posso preoccuparmi di quale partito sia al potere, il nostro compito è lavorare con tutti. Ma non c’è dubbio che il populismo sia inflazionistico. Il populismo riguarda l’oggi, non il domani. Invece, a BlackRock ci preoccupiamo del futuro e della crescita a lungo termine. Sono stato a Milano per la prima volta nel 1971. […]

“So, what have the past few years taught us? We have learnt that people in high-income democracies still really dislike inflation, so this monetary regime appears to have considerable political legitimacy. There is a parallel here with the “end of history” argument made about liberal democracy after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989: […]

“Trump has delayed and avoided judicial proceedings for much of his career. Surely part of the impetus behind the sudden widespread use of the word “felon” is to take Trump down a peg, to label him as no better than a common criminal. And that is the problem.” Fonte: The Washington Post Autore: Carroll Bogert […]