Elsewhere in the world, pasta al pomodoro is seen as Italy’s “symbol of national identity par excellence,” the Italian historian Massimo Montanari writes in “A Short History of Spaghetti With Tomato Sauce” (2019) — despite its origins as a regional specialty predating Italian unification (between 1861 and 1871) by several decades, a creation of Naples […]

“Ms Meloni’s high esteem for Mr Orbán, the self-styled champion of “illiberal democracy”, is well known. Since taking office 18 months ago, she has – unlike the Hungarian prime minister – positioned herself reassuringly in Europe’s political mainstream on issues such as Ukraine. But at home, her government’s domineering determination to police the public square, […]

“But in fact, I think that what we have seen is that Giorgia Meloni has really reassured international markets, Italy’s international partners, other members of Nato, that she isn’t quite the extremist that maybe many feared she might be”.  Fonte: Financial Times Autore: Gideon Rachman Link: Italy and the Giorgia Meloni phenomenon