“The Italian island of Sicily might have abundant history, but the same can’t be said about its water supply.” Fonte: Fortune Autore: Prarthana Prakash Link: Sicily’s summer drought is so acute this year that it’s drying up lakes and forcing cities to turn away tourists because they don’t have enough water  

“The courtyard was peaceful, open and airy, dotted with aperitivo-hour drinkers. Carter tried to soak up the Florentine vibes – and avoid checking her phone and reading the inevitable anxious messages from her mother.” Fonte: CNN Autore: Francesca Street Link: She invited a stranger to join her on vacation in Italy. ‘It went from zero […]

“The Italian investigation highlights a distinctly modern issue in the luxury industry. While other sectors have moved manufacturing to China and other low-wage countries, many luxury brands kept production closer to home, believing it was crucial to their appeal. But despite being stamped with the “Made in Italy” label, prosecutors allege that some luxury goods […]