Yearly Archives: 2024
“If we have learned anything in recent months, it is that a single bad debate can end a presidential campaign — which is why Vice President Kamala Harris is apparently afraid to do more than one 90-minute, teleprompter-free exchange with former president Donald Trump”. Fonte: The Washington Post Autore: Marc A. Thiessen Link: Trump can […]
Joseph (Joe) Kahn è il direttore esecutivo del New York Times dal 2022, ma negli ultimi dieci ha lavorato per orientare il giornale verso lo storytelling crossmediale, rafforzandone la presenza digitale e difendendo nella newsroom una cultura inclusiva. Figlio del co-fondatore di Staple, si è laureato ad Harvard; da reporter dalla Cina, ha vinto per […]
“The Italian culture minister quit on Friday after a controversy over a consultancy role for his former lover had become an embarrassment for prime minister Giorgia Meloni’s government”. Fonte: The Guardian Link: Italian culture minister quits after affair scandal embarrasses Meloni government
“The Kremlin is terrible at keeping secrets. That was demonstrated again in Wednesday’s federal indictment of Russian officials for alleged U.S. election-interference-related activities, resting partly on internal meeting notes by a midlevel Kremlin aide”. Fonte: The Wall Street Journal Autore: Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. Link: Media Needs to Wise Up about Russian Propaganda
Le piattaforme digitali stanno ridisegnando vari aspetti della società e dell’economia, creando nuove opportunità e sfide. Spesso, però, se ne parla senza comprendere le reali implicazioni nella vita di tutti i giorni. Per approfondire il tema, il Dipartimento di Economia Management e Metodi Quantitativi dell’Università Statale di Milano (DEMM) presenta un ciclo di quattro incontri, […]
“On plastic tables, decks of playing cards and crossword puzzles were replaced by cotton tablecloths, and loud shouts summoned the children for lunch. Aluminum trays of lasagna, rice with mussels and potatoes, seafood pasta, raw octopus and fried sausages were all served, as part of a longstanding Italian tradition of feasting on the beach”. Fonte: […]
“After several years out of power, the former leader is returned to office on a populist platform. He blames the news media’s coverage of his previous government for costing him reelection. As he sees it, tolerating the independent press, with its focus on truth-telling and accountability, weakened his ability to steer public opinion. This time, […]