Monthly Archives: Novembre 2024
“Chinese senior official Li Xi met with Italian leaders this week to deepen strategic ties, marking the 20th anniversary of the China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership and advancing cooperation in areas like green energy and digital technology”. Fonte: Global Times Autore: Xinhua Link: Senior Chinese official vows to further ties with Italy
“Donald Trump has dominated the American right for nine years and yet, even after a decade of study, many observers still cannot fathom why. But voters are certainly not tired of Mr Trump. Even after the scandal and mayhem of his first term, culminating in his attempt to cling to power after losing the election […]
È stato annunciato oggi il programma della nuova edizione del 24FRAME Future Film Fest, appuntamento di rilievo per gli amanti del cinema d’animazione ospitato a Bologna dal 6 al 10 novembre negli spazi di DumBO e successivamente a Modena, dal 22 al 24 novembre. Prodotta da Rete Doc – il più grande network nazionale cooperativo […]
“In our travel roundup this week: the burning mountain whose flames never go out, how Antarctica became a hot vacation spot and what to expect from Italy’s first luxury sleeper train”. Fonte: CNN Autore: Maureen O’Hare Link: La Dolce Vita Orient Express: Eat your way around Italy in style
“With eight days to go until the election, Democrats face the very real possibility that they won’t win the presidency, Senate or House. But if the party does come up short, it won’t be for lack of trying — at least when it comes to advertising”. Fonte: The New York Times Autore: Gus Wezerek Link: […]
Le elezioni presidenziali del 2024 stanno segnando una svolta significativa nel panorama mediatico americano. In un contesto di forte polarizzazione, alcune delle testate più importanti del Paese, come il Washington Post e il Los Angeles Times, hanno deciso di non sostenere alcun candidato, suscitando reazioni controverse, tra cui importanti dimissioni e migliaia di abbonamenti cancellati. […]
“The plan is also to erect an elevated walkway that will allow visitors to get a closer look at the monument, and which will also be used as a way for the city’s leaders to monitor the flow of tourists before a €2 access fee is introduced”. Fonte: The Guardian Autore: Angela Giuffrida Link: ‘A […]